How to Expertly Care for Someone with a Learning Disability
10 March, 2021
Book a FREE Care ConsultationIt is estimated that around 1.5m people in the UK have a learning disability, and of those around 350,000 people are living with a severe learning disability. Learning disabilities can range from mild to moderate or severe. Someone with a mild learning disability can usually easily look after themselves but may struggle with learning new skills or certain aspects of daily living, while someone with a moderate or severe disability may need help with everyday tasks such as washing, dressing, cooking and caring for themselves.
Those with a Profound and Multiple Learning Disability (PMLD), will have a severe learning disability as well as other disabilities and may struggle to communicate and live independently. They could have difficulty seeing, hearing, speaking or moving as well as other complex health and social care needs.
The type of learning disability care your loved one will need, will depend on the scale of the learning disability and how independent they can be. Where they can be independent, a carer will aim to encourage this independence and promote self-direction so that they learn to care for themselves, albeit with supervision.
Somebody working in learning disability care will have specialist knowledge and practical experience in caring for people with all different aspects of learning disabilities; as well as the physical and emotional issues related to these that may impact their behaviour, relationship, learning, communication and social skills.
A carer can help with a range of tasks and the level of care they provide will depend on the severity of the learning disability. If someone has a mild learning disability and is fairly independent, they may just assist or help where necessary and someone with a severe learning disability may need more hands-on help.
A carer can help with a range of tasks such as assisting with or doing light domestic duties such as washing up, helping with laundry and vacuuming etc. They may assist with food shopping and help prepare and cook food and support eating and drinking if necessary.
They may assist someone with getting up and ready in the mornings, getting ready for bed in the evening or both. Ensuring and helping with personal care such as brushing their teeth, grooming, foot care, washing themselves, dressing and taking medications.
Learning disability care can be provided in a number of different ways, based on what suits the individual or their family.
Live-In care consists of a carer living within the home. They will need their own room, and will be able to provide round the clock care to an individual and ensure they are cared for on a continual basis. This is an ideal option if you want someone to be able to remain within their home rather than move into a care home, allowing them to remain in familiar settings and ensure some level of independence. You may opt for this option if someone has a severe learning disability and needs constant support or they may have a mild disability but could do with the companionship and encouragement to look after themselves.
If you would like to enquire about our learning disability care or any of our other caring services, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by calling 01245 890336 or fill in our online enquiry form to book a consultation.
We provide affordable care across South East England, making home care more accessible for families and individuals. We can work with you to create a bespoke care plan that works for you.
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