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As the situation with Covid-19 evolves, it’s important to know what support is available to you and your loved ones during these uncertain times.

Public Health England has recently given direction that people over 70 years of age and those with pre-existing medical conditions are at a much higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms if they were to contract Covid-19. Those deemed to be at increased risk from coronavirus include people with COPD, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Failure and Autoimmune Deficiencies, to name a few.

It is therefore imperative that people in these high-risk groups take additional measures to protect themselves, by avoiding nonessential travel and finding a way of maintaining access to essential care, medication and other essential supplies without exposing themselves to unnecessary risk by coming into contact with lots of different people.

Within these at-risk groups, there will be some individuals who are in need of daily care and support. And, as family members begin to socially distance themselves from vulnerable adults, it is imperative that these vulnerable individuals are not left alone during this critical time and that they still receive not only the vital care and support that they require but also have some form of companionship during what is a difficult time for everyone.

How a Live In Solutions Live-in Service Could Help You

Live-in care is one of the safest forms of care during the COVID-19 outbreak. Live-in care can be a viable short-term alternative during this time since the person receiving care will have a dedicated carer staying with them at home for an extended period of time.

The Benefits of Having A Live-in Carer

Take a look at some of the benefits of having a live-in carer:

  • Our carer will have priority to shop for you during set times of the day, ensuring you will always have the essential supplies that you need.
  • You won’t need to leave home to go to the pharmacy – Our carer can do this for you and assist you with taking any medication.
  • Our carer will be a companion who can keep you entertained during a time when you will be missing the interaction with family & friends.
  • A live-in carer will prepare and serve all your meals at the times that best suit you.
  • You will have the assistance you need with any personal care tasks such as bathing, dressing and continence care.
  • Domestic tasks will be taken care of such as cleaning, laundry, bed making and generally keeping the house in good order without having to invite any other people into your home.
  • A live-in carer will give you and your family the peace of mind that you are isolating in a safe and comfortable way in your own home.

What is Live In Solutions Doing About Coronavirus?

Our main goal throughout the epidemic is to ensure that all of our customers and staff remain as safe as possible. We are doing our utmost to ensure that the guidance and processes we have in place follow the latest advice from the Government and NHS.

We appreciate that many of you may have questions about yours or your loved one’s care, so please just get in touch with us and we will be able to help.

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