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End of life care is something that can be incredibly difficult to begin to talk about, and even more difficult to plan for.

Every case that we work with is different, as sometimes it is the individual themselves who organise their own care, while on other occasions it is a family member who is the main contact for a care facility.

Whatever the case, live-in care has become the gold standard of care for those approaching the end of their life – giving them the comfort of remaining in familiar surroundings, unfettered access to their loved ones, and both physical and mental support from a professional when they need it.

Of course, with every client bringing their own specific needs to their care team, determining the most important issues and things to focus on can be difficult. However, we asked our carers what the three things that most clients want are – and the answers may surprise you.

The Importance of Family and Connections

By far the most requested thing, and the thing that brings the most comfort during end-of-life care, is access to family and those connections that really matter.

By enabling clients to stay at home for as long as possible during this period, we make it easier for family and friends to visit and allow the individual to spend time surrounded by their possessions, with contact with pets and other lifestyle factors that really matter.

At a time when mental well-being and emotional support are as important – if not more so – than physical needs, having family and friends there is vital. And for our team of live-in carers, staying connected with family is also an effective way of ensuring that they feel in the loop and well-supported during what will be a challenging period for all concerned.

How We Prioritise Comfort

Comfort is another thing that becomes a major issue when dealing with end-of-life care. This often stems from physical ailments, with both big and small changes being made to the individual’s routine and surroundings to make them more comfortable.

We consider the furnishings and the environment that they are in as part of this support work, and take steps to manage pain, difficulty eating, bladder issues, and any other issues that may arise.

Practical Tasks and How We Support Those in Our Care

Finally, to the everyday practical tasks that become increasingly difficult as end of life care progresses.

We know that many of the people in our care at this stage of life have admin that needs to be completed, to ensure that they feel at peace and have determined where they want their assets and possessions to go. Whilst our carers do not have the expertise to help directly, we can assist to ensure that the right people are contacted and kept informed to make sure that the individual is satisfied with the outcome and that their wishes are respected.

This also stretches into managing jobs around the house, shopping, and keeping the home as clean and comfortable as possible.

Live-in care is one of the best solutions when considering end of life care – pairing emotional support with practical help when and where it is needed. Get in touch to find out more.

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